
Bahamas Cruise

Warm air, cool water and far too much food!
Six people crammed into a car with only five seats was not only a little illegal, but also quite uncomfortable; especially when the car ride lasts 4 hours.
We were on our way to catch the Grand Celebration Cruise Ship which would take us to the Bahamas. It was a 3 day, 2 night trip… but really it would have been a shorter flight than the drive to port. Continue reading


Milwaukee, Wisconsin

If you go to the cold, you can expect a cold.
I was in Wisconsin for a total of 3 days, 3 nights and have the worst cold I have ever gotten.
The 10 degree weather may have had something to do with it, or maybe it was because I was so cold the first night that I slept in my sisters bed with her, not realizing that she was sick. Continue reading