Mystik Lubricant’s Competitive Analysis:
Competitive Analysis of AMSOIL
This is the AMSOIL part of the Competitive Analysis I put together for Mystik Lubricants.
Competitive Analysis of Lucas Oil
This is the Lucas Oil part of the Competitive Analysis I put together for Mystik Lubricants.
Competitive Analysis of Royal Purple
This is the Royal Purple part of the Competitive Analysis I put together for Mystik Lubricants.
Mystik Lubricant’s Sponsorship Recaps:
Terracross Sponsorship Recap
Privileged information has been witheld for legal reasons. This is a racing series.
Sponsorship Deliverables Spreadsheet
I created this spreadsheet so we could better see what each sponsor owed to us and when. Privileged information has been removed.
Promotional Calendar
I created this to better organize the Mark Travel Team members and have a self-populating calendar of what promotion is going on where and the details associated with it. Incompatibility with Google sheets, please download and open in Excel to see proper formulas take place.
Sponsorship Month at a Glance
I created this document to be sent to and completed by all sponsored athletes on a monthly basis. This will keep each department knowledgeable on what the athlete is doing, how they are performing and most importantly, it will keep the athletes responsible for fulfilling their contracts.
Chicago Wolves Promotion:
Chicago Wolves Hotel Requests:
Southwest Airlines Promotion:
Serve Marketing for the Community; Raising Awareness on Human Trafficking in Milwaukee: